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제 4 호 The Grand Prize of 39th English Essay Contest, "The Future of Humanity"

  • 작성일 2019-12-04
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 12162

Kicker: The Grand Prize of 39th English Essay Contest

The Future of Humanity

by Jin-woo Chung,

Biotechnology student

  The human race has walked the world for millions of years. We have survived, congoured, fought, and have finally become the dominant species on the Earth. We have weapons powerful enough to destroy the Earth and can travel to outer space. We can communicate with each other in an instant from thousands of kilometers away and have machines fast enough to travel around the world in a short amount of time. But what lies after this? Will humanity thrive on like it has for millions of years or will it perish after using up all the resources on the Earth and fall to war, famine, and natural disasters? In this essay, I plant to write about both opinions and come to a conclusion.

  First, I will address the opinion that humanity will prosper as it always has. After all, this is humanity we are talking about. Every time we have faced a problem, we had a break through and have overcome that problem and moved forward. In primary times, wild animals were a threat so we created weapons and built houses to keep them away. Because overpopulation became a problem, we invented better farming methods and cognized more lands. When diseases threatened lives, we created medicine and vaccines to cure them. Currently, humanity is being threatened by environmental harm, weapons of mass destruction, and overpopulation. However, many believe that nature will be possible to control with human technology and the weapons of mass destruction will not be used and will only act as a stopper to war. Overpopulation can be solved by inventing better ways of growing foods.

  On the other hand, others are not so optimistic about humanity’s future. The amount of harm humanity is causing to the environment is not something science can control and is already affecting many countries. The ice on the Arctic and Atlantic is melting and raising sea levels, resulting in some islands sinking and becoming in hospitable. Many animals and plants are becoming extinct due to environmental destruction and too much hunting. We are slowly running out of natural resources and will eventually not be able to develop anymore. The threat of weapons, such as nuclear weapons, is very close and could end the world as we know it.

  In the end, I believe that while there is no reason to despair and think that there is no hope for humanity, it is important to deal with these problems before it becomes too late.