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제 23 호 ALIENS

  • 작성일 2024-09-11
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  • 조회수 1625



Do aliens really exist?

By Myung-Kwan Kang, Reporter


  Do you think extraterrestrials exist, or do you believe they do not? The truth is, no one knows for sure. In this article, we will explore what extraterrestrials are and discuss the possibility of their existence.Extraterrestrials, or aliens, refer to life forms originating from celestial bodies other than Earth. This broad term encompasses not only alien animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms but also specifically refers to life forms with intellectual capabilities.


Does extraterrestrial life exist?

  The universe continues to expand even as we read this. In this vast universe, there are stars, planets, and galaxies that we don't know about. However, there is a planet called Earth, and life forms called humans exist. In other words, the possibility of us existing on this Earth is extremely low. The existence of humans means that there may be life on other planets.

  For example, if someone goes to an amusement park every year, will they be able to go to the amusement park again next year? If you ask me, I will tell you that I will go if I can. However, if you ask the same question to someone who has never been to an amusement park in their life, they will probably say they can't go. In this way, we can think about the existence of aliens through inductive reasoning.

  On the other hand, a UFO that aliens ride on is an unidentified flying object, which refers to any flying vehicle that is thought to have aliens on board, but whose identity cannot actually be confirmed. In other words, it is an unidentified flying object, but no one can confirm whether it actually exists.

America's Position

  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) formed a research team of 16 individuals, including astronauts, astrophysicists, and astrobiologists, and published the results of their study on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) conducted over the past year. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson stated that the team has not found any evidence that UAPs originate from extraterrestrial sources. The team attributed this to a lack of high-quality observational data necessary to scientifically support sighting claims. While many eyewitness reports are intriguing and persuasive, they are often inconsistent, and the data or sources to explain them remain unclear. Therefore, it is essential to use artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies to collect and analyze data more scientifically and systematically in the future.


  Additionally, NASA announced that it would support the government's UAP research with space observation tools and expertise. Administrator Nelson also expressed his personal belief in the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

  "The size of the universe observable by humans is about 46.5 billion light years in radius. However, we cannot know how big the universe is beyond the observable universe. Currently, there are 170 billion galaxies that we can observe, and each galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars. There are more than 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. The world-famous astronomer Carl Sagan said, “If life were to exist only on our Earth in this universe, it would be a colossal waste of space.”

Fermi's Paradox

  In 1950, Edward Teller, Herbert York, Emil Konopinski, and Enrico Fermi were having lunch in Los Alamos. The topic of their conversation was the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations, and they predicted that there would be countless such civilizations among the countless stars in our galaxy. While enjoying lunch and discussing, Enrico Fermi, who had been listening quietly, asked them: "So where are they?" This question is known as Fermi's Paradox.


  Considering the vast scale of the universe, the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life is high. However, where are all those extraterrestrial civilizations? It would be expected that there would be many of them, but we have never seen any. Scientists around the world have come up with various hypotheses to solve this paradox posed by Fermi.

Aliens Exist

Already on Earth

  If you look at the Avengers and Superman, you will see that aliens are living in secret, blending with human society. Additionally, considering works such as the Pyramids and the Nazca Lines, some claim that aliens have visited Earth.

Unable to Communicate

  According to astronomer Carl Sagan, extraterrestrial intelligent life exists, but it has not yet been able to visit Earth because their technology has not developed enough for interstellar travel. Similarly, humanity is sending out radio waves, but when these waves travel too far, they become distorted. 

Aliens Don't Exist

  American astrophysicist Michael H. Hart said that if there were a species capable of interstellar travel, there would be many aliens in the universe. However, not being able to see an extraterrestrial civilization means that it does not exist, and for a higher civilization like ours to emerge, a probability similar to winning the lottery 100 times in a row is needed.

  Extraterrestrial Civilization Has Not Yet Emerged

This hypothesis suggests that humanity is the most advanced civilization in the universe. Because the universe is relatively young, having been created only 13.7 billion years ago, higher life forms may not have yet emerged. According to scientists' research, the universe could last for more than 1 trillion years. Therefore, the current age of the universe is young, and higher life forms may not have yet emerged.

  Based on the exploration of extraterrestrial life, it's clear that there are many viewpoints and theories about the existence of aliens. The universe is vast and largely unknown, with countless galaxies, stars, and planets suggesting a high possibility for life beyond Earth. Both historical and modern scientific efforts, like those by NASA, continue to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena and other signs, but solid proof is still missing.

  Thinkers and scientists, like Carl Sagan, have considered the chances of life in the universe, and paradoxes like Fermi's highlight the contradiction between the high likelihood of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of observed evidence. Additionally, cultural references and claims of ancient alien visits spark imagination and fuel ongoing debates.

  In the end, while there are strong arguments and evidence on both sides, the question of whether extraterrestrial life exists remains open. The pursuit of knowledge through advanced technologies and scientific research is essential as we continue to explore this profound question. The mystery of extraterrestrial life serves as a reminder of humanity's curiosity and the endless possibilities that lie beyond our current understanding.








