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제 16 호 The Best Is Yet To Come

  • 작성일 2022-11-30
  • 좋아요 Like 8
  • 조회수 14414


The Best Is Yet To Come

By Da-Hwee Kim, Editor-in-chief


  The end of the year is just a new beginning for us. Why? Because without an end, there would be no new year and no fresh start!

  When it is December and the end of the year approaches, it is quite normal for some to be anxious, especially when they have unreached goals and unfulfilled dreams. However, I want every single one of you to stay calm and positive. Because every year brings its own unique set of victories and defeats, struggles and joys! 

  Even though this year has never been perfect for you, it is completely fine. Rather than having regrets about the past, how about preparing for the bright future waiting for us? Although no one can take back time and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a marvelous ending. Hope you wrap up this year meaningfully and say farewell to 2022.

  I would like to close by recommending a few songs that will make you feel good and help you end the year. Happy end of the year everyone! 😊

- End-of-Year Playlist -

🎵 Have It All – Jason Mraz

🎵 Merry Christmas Everybody - Train

🎵 Seasons of Love – The Cast of Rent

🎵 Do They Know It’s Christmas? – Band Aid 30

🎵 Snowman - Sia


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