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교수프로필 연구 · 산학

성한울 사진
  • 학위: 박사
  • 연구실 : (G관)제1공학관 (G414)
  • 연락처 : 02-2287-6171
  • 세부전공 : 분산시스템
홈 이메일
  • 박사, 서울대학교 전기컴퓨터공학부 (세부전공 : 분산시스템), 202008
  • 상명대학교, (2021.03~2024.02)
  • 책임, SK하이닉스, (2020.09~2021.02)
  • A Study on the Influence of Platform Design in Level Design by utilizing Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning, 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지, 202312
  • A Player-Like StarCraft II AI for Enhanced Fun and Diversity using Reinforcement Learning, 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지, 202312
  • A Study on Parallel Programming Approach for MMO Game Server, 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지, 202309
  • Adaptive Game Environment Design based on Player Behavior Pattern for Difficulty Adjustment, 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지, 202309
  • Design and Implementation of Burst Buffer Over-Subscription Scheme for HPC Storage Systems, IEEE ACCESS, 2023
  • Accelerating I/O performance of ZFS-based Lustre file system in HPC environment, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, 202212
  • Understanding Bitcoin Price Prediction Trends under Various Hyperparameter Configurations, Computers, 202211
  • Concurrent and Robust End-to-End Data Integrity Verification Scheme for Flash-Based Storage Devices, IEEE ACCESS, 202203
  • Understanding the Performance Characteristics of Computational Storage Drives: A Case Study with SmartSSD, ELECTRONICS, 202111
  • OMBM-ML: efficient memory bandwidth management for ensuring QoS and improving server utilization, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 202103
  • A Methology for Improving the Performance of Paravirtual I/O Systems Based on Fast NVM Devices, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 202007
  • OLM: online LLC management for container-based cloud service, The journal of supercomputing, 201802
  • Workload-aware resource management for software-defined compute, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 201603
  • Towards Enhanced I/O Performance of NVM File Systems, IEEE, 20231219
  • An In-Depth I/O Pattern Analysis in HPC Systems, IEEE, 20211217
  • MulConn: User-Transparent I/O Subsystem for High-Performance Parallel File Systems, IEEE, 20211217
  • BBOS: Efficient HPC Storage Management via Burst Buffer Over-Subscription, IEEE/ACM, 20200511
  • Understanding Parallel I/O Performance Trends Under Various HPC Configurations, ACM, 20190625
  • OMBM-ML: An Efficient Memory Bandwidth Management for Ensuring QoS and Improving Server Utilization, IEEE, 20180903
  • OMBM: Optimized Memory Bandwidth Management for Ensuring QoS and High Server Utilization, IEEE, 20170918
  • Gluster 파일시스템의 파일 크기에 따른 I/O 처리 분석, 한국정보과학회, 20170620
  • Ring bus 경쟁상황을 피하기 위한 CPU-GPU 간의 스케줄러, 한국정보과학회, 20140810
  • 내장형 GPU 환경에서 GPU 프로세스의 성능 보장을 위한 캐시 분할 방식, 한국정보과학회, 20130617